Richards Thermocouple and Temperature Sensor Catalog 16
Manufacturing, Engineering and Sales Since 1938
TA6AB Bent
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Angle Assemblies - Metal Tubes - Alloy Bent - Types E, J, K & N
All alloy bent tube assemblies can be made in two styles. The “ A ” and “ AB ” styles. The “ A ” style is constructed using a single alloy tube to make both the hot leg and the cold legs of the assembly. The “ AB ” style has an alloy tube covering the hot leg and only a portion of the cold leg. The balance of the cold leg is protected with a steel balance pipe and coupling. The “ A ” style is used in applications where the cold leg will be subject to molten metal splash, salt, high temperatures, or other corrosive materials. The “ AB ” style is a little more economical if the cold leg is not subject to any corrosive materials or high temperatures. If you would like to order an “ A ” style assembly, just remove the “ B ” from the part numbers listed on these pages.
8K6A-1601-12-18-SH is an all alloy bent tube assembly. 8K6AB-1601-12-18-SH is an alloy bent tube assembly having a coupling and a steel balance pipe on the cold end.
When ordering your thermocouple, remember that on an all alloy bent tube assembly (“ A” ) the hot leg will be the specified length but the cold leg will actually be 3” longer than the specified length due bending. The balance pipe on the cold end of an “ AB ” style thermocouple as- sembly will be 7” shorter than the cold leg specified with the remainder being alloy pipe. The Hot leg will be as specified.
Note: If you would like to order a screw cover head, remove the ( SH ) from the end of the part number.
Angle Assemblies Configuration 6AB
Example: 8K6AB-1012XH-12-18
C = Cold Leg
Figure 6AB Alloy and Balance Pipe
H = Hot Leg
Figure 6A All Alloy
Element for bent angle assembly
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