Richards Thermocouple and Temperature Sensor Catalog 16
Thermocouples - Miniature and Subminiature Assemblies - Plugs and Jacks
Wire Gauge
O.D. Inches
O.D. mm
Part Number Type K
Miniature, Plugs and Jacks Miniature Thermocouple Assemblies have a maximum service temperature of 1300°F (700°C) depending on the type and gauge of thermocouple wire used. They have limited use at high temperatures due to the types of insulation used in their construction. Miniature thermocouples are more flexible than MgO (swaged) types. 1/8”, 3/16” and 1/4” O.D. tube assemblies are made with silicon impregnated fiber- glass insulated elements. Standard assemblies are supplied with a floating junction and solid round pin male plug and female jack. Since the junction is floating, the tube or element can easily be replaced. Grounded junctions can, however, if required, are available. Insert “ -U ” after the “ 4M ” in the part number. Optional 1/8” NPT stainless steel compression fitting can be attached by adding a “ CF to the end of the part number. An 1/8” NPT fitting is standard on 1/8” and 3/16” O.D. tubes. A 1/4” NPT compression fitting is standard on all 1/4” O.D. tubes. Subminiature, Plugs and Jacks Subminiature Thermocouple Assemblies have a maximum service temperature of 400°F (204°C) depending on the type and gauge of thermocouple wire used. They have limited use at high temperatures due to the types of insulation used in their construction. Subminiature thermocouples are more flexible than MgO (swaged) types. The 1/16” diameter thermocouple assemblies are made with a Kapton® insu- lated thermocouple wire. Standard assemblies are supplied with a floating junction and a flat pin male plug and female jack. Since the junction is floating, the tube or element can easily be replaced. Grounded junctions can, however, if required, are available. Insert “ -U ” after the “ 4M ” in the part number. Optional 1/8” NPT stainless steel compression fitting can be attached by adding a “ CF to the end of the part number. Pointed Probes A pointed probe is used to penetrate a soft material such as food products. When used with food products the probe should be made of 316 stainless steel. Add: “ PN ” to the part number. Ceramic Insulator, Collar, and Plug A pointed probe is used to penetrate a soft material such as food products. When used with food products the probe should be made of 316 stainless steel. Add: “ PN ” to the part number.
16 20 20 24 16 20 20 24 16 20 20 24
1/4” 1/4” 3/16” 1/8” 1/4” 1/4” 3/16” 1/8” 1/4” 1/4” 3/16” 1/8”
6.4 6.4 4.8 3.3 6.4 6.4 4.8 3.3 6.4 6.4 4.8 3.3
16K4M-9M4-K1-* 20K4M-9M4-K1-* 20K4M-9M3-K1-* 24K4M-9M2-K1-* 16K4M-9M4-K2-* 20K4M-9M4-K2-* 20K4M-9M3-K2-* 24K4M-9M2-K2-* 16K4M-9M4-K3-* 20K4M-9M4-K3-* 20K4M-9M3-K3-* 24K4M-9M2-K3-*
Example: 20K4M-16M3-PN-K1-06 Specifies a Type K Miniature thermocouple assembly, 6” pointed probe, and plug.
Example: 24R8C-RS1-12 Specifies a Type R thermocouple element in a 3/16” O.D. Alumina insulator, collar, plug and 18” length.
Flexible Extensions Armored cable may be used as a Flexible Extension on miniature tubes. State miniature assembly by using the length of immersion “U” plus “ FE ” and the length of the flexible extension (in at least two digits).
Example: 20K4M-9M3-K3-12-FE06 (12” protection tube and 6” of Flexible Extension)
Armored Cable Armored cable may be used as a flexible protection on leads attached to Jacks (or Plugs). State miniature assembly plus “ AC ” and the length of the extension (in at least
Example: 20K4M-9M3-K3-18-AC36 Specifies a Type K Miniature thermocouple assembly, Plug and Jack and 36” Armored covered lead.
* add the required thermocouple length (*) as the suffix. 12”, 18” 21”, 24”, and 36” are considered stock items. Alloy #9 is standard, other alloys are available - see pages 88 & 90. For Dual thermocouples add a “D” to the part number: Example: 20KD4M
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