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Thermocouple and General lnformation

Extension Wire - - Limits of Error

Limits of Eruor for Thermocouple Wire -

Platinum, 30% Rhodium vs. Platinum, 6% Rhodium


870"C to 1700"C


1 600"F to 31 00"F


0% Chromium vs. Constantan

Nickel, 1

+1 I"C ar *0.5% +1"C or *A.4/"

+2"F or +0.4"h

+3oF or +0.57"

0'C to 900"C

32"F to 1650'F

*2.2C or +0.75"/" +1 .1"C or *0.4/"

+4"F or +0.75% +2"F or +0.4o/"

lron vs. Constantan

32"F to 1400"F

0"C to 750"C

Ni, 10% Cr vs. Ni, 5% Al, si

0"C to 1260"C +2.2oC or +0.75"/" +1 .1"C or +0.4/"

32"F to 2300'F +4"F or +0.75% +2"F or +0.4"/"

Ni, 1 4% Cr, 1 .5"/" Si vs. Ni, 4.5% Si, .1% Mg Platinum vs. Plati num,1 3"/" Rhodi um Platinum vs. Platinum,l}"h Rhodium

oC or *A.4"/"

0"C to 1260"C

*2.2"C or +0.75o/"

32"F to 2300"F +4"F or +0.75% +2"F or +0.4"/"

+1 .1

l. I eL

0"C to 1480"C

+3oF or +0.25%

+1 .5"C or +0.25%

32"F to 2700"F

0'C to 1480'C

+3oF or +0.25%

*1 .5"C or +A.25"/o

32"F Io 2700"F

+1 oF or +0.4"/"

Copper vs. Constantan

+1 "C or + 0.75% +0.5'C or +0.4o/"

0"C to 350'C

+1 .B'F or +0.75%

32"F to 660"F

q tilffi:i1:"?ki!fi15ffil"

I tr't to 42oo"F I

+BoF or +1o/o I

| 0"c to2315.c | *++"c or x1"h I

Percent (%) refers to the measuring temperature, not the range. Tolerances in this table are not for the accuracy of thermocouples that have been in use. They are only for readings during the first inital heating of the thermocouple elements. For cryogenic temperature materials - Phone for details.

Limits of Error for Extension Wire -

Copper/Magnesium vs. Copper

Ni, 1O% Cr vs. Constantan

0"C to 200"C

32"F to 400"F

32"F to 400'F

lron vs. Constantan

0"C to 200"C

Ni, 10% Cr vs. Ni, 5% Al, si

32"F to 400'F

0'C to 200'C

Ni, 1 4% Cr, 1.5"/" Si vs. Ni, 4.5% Si, .1% Mg

32"F to 400'F

0"C to 200"C

+.057mv (*9'F) . +.057mv (*9'F) .

+.057mv (*5'C) .

Copper vs. #11 Alloy Copper vs. #11 Alloy

32"F to 400"F

0"C to 200"C

0"C to 200'C t.057mv (tS"C) .

32"F to 400'F

Copper vs. Constantan

0"C to 200"C

32"F to 400"F

Alloy 405 vs. Alloy 426


0"C to 200'C

32"F to 400"F

. Due to the nonlinearity of the Type R and S emf curves, the degree error introduced into a thermocouple system (ie. the thermocouple and e*ension wire) will vary with temperature. Consequently, the degree C and degree F toleraces shown in brackets, applies only when the hot measuring junction temperature is greater than 1598"F or 870"C.


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